Top "Maven-resources-plugin" questions

The Maven Resources Plugin handles the copying of project resources to the output directory.

Maven: how to place resource file together with jar?

I have \src\main\resources\logback.xml file. When I run mvn package it is placed into the jar by …

maven maven-resources-plugin
maven-resources-plugin error using copy-resources goal: 'resources', 'outputDirectory' missing or invalid

I'm trying to use the maven-resources-plugin to do some filtering using the copy-resources goal, and ran into the following error: …

maven maven-resources-plugin
Maven : add external resources

I am building an executable jar file with maven, meaning that you run it with "java -jar file.jar". I …

java maven jar maven-resources-plugin maven-jar-plugin
How do I filter test resources in maven?

I have the following pom.xml. When I run mvn clean resources:testResources, my test resources aren't being filtered (replacing …

maven maven-resources-plugin
Copying a single file then renaming it using maven-resources-plugin -- possible?

I copy a single WSDL file from a different project tree, using maven-resources-plugin, as follows: <execution> <id&…

maven maven-resources-plugin
Keep permissions on files with Maven resources:testResources

Is it possible to keep permissions on file with Maven resources:testResources? My use case is a Selenium binary driver …

maven file-permissions maven-resources-plugin
Could not find artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin

I'm trying to build maven project, but not at all its working fine. Here is my POM.xml <<…

java maven maven-resources-plugin
Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' when trying to create new project

Can any one please help me solve this issue? Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' …

java maven maven-plugin maven-resources-plugin
Error loading property file Maven

i get this error from eclipse marker , when i try to load a filter file from pom.xml. it display …

java maven maven-resources-plugin
Apache Maven Resources Plugin exclude a directory

I'm trying to copy some resources from one point to an other during the build process. Therefore I use the …

maven maven-resources-plugin