Maven : add external resources

GournaySylvain picture GournaySylvain · Oct 31, 2014 · Viewed 18.8k times · Source

I am building an executable jar file with maven, meaning that you run it with "java -jar file.jar".

I want to rely on user defined properties (just a file containing keys/values), during developpement phase I was putting my "" file in maven /src/main/resources/ folder.

My property file is loaded with:

final Properties p = new Properties();
final InputStream resource = IOParametres.class.getResourceAsStream("/");

Now, I want to keep that file outside of the JAR and have something like this :

- execution_folder
   |_ file.jar
   |_ config

I tried many things with maven plugins like maven-jar-plugin, maven-surefire-plugin and maven-resources-plugin but I can't get it working...

Thanks in advance for your help!


GournaySylvain picture GournaySylvain · Nov 3, 2014

I found what I needed using only maven configuration.

First I add config folder to the classpath:


I load resources the same way as before:

final InputStream resource = IOParametres.class.getResourceAsStream("/");

And if you want to keep your example resource files in your repo and remove them from your build:


Next to the jar file, I add a config folder holding all the resource files I need.

The result is:

  • can be loaded using getResourceAsStream
  • other libraries relying on specific resources (I won't argue, but I find it... not that good) can load their resources without any issue.

Thanks for the help, and I hope it may help somebody someday!