jar file gets corrupted while building with maven

pranay picture pranay · May 29, 2012 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

while building a war file i am copying a set of jars from a location to a folder inside the war. While the files do get copied , however i think they get corrupted because the same class files of the jar when taken outside the war opens with a debugger while it does not open after taking from war file .

This is a part of my war pom.xml where i copy the jars


SomeSourceDirectory has some jars and some other files The result is: myWar/somefolder/a.jar but when i open the classes inside this jar in a debugger..i get error in WinZip that

Invalid compressed data to extract.
Severe Error:  Compressed data is invalid

However the same class file can be viewed when i view it in original folder i.e outside the war. So is there a mistake while copying the jars? Thanks.


Emmanuel Bourg picture Emmanuel Bourg · May 29, 2012

Remove <filtering>true</filtering>, it corrupts the jar files.