Top "Default-method" questions

A default method is a feature introduced in Java 8 which allows an interface to declare a method body.

When to use: Java 8+ interface default method, vs. abstract method

Java 8 allows for default implementation of methods in interfaces called Default Methods. I am confused between when would I use …

java interface java-8 abstract-class default-method
Explicitly calling a default method in Java

Java 8 introduces default methods to provide the ability to extend interfaces without the need to modify existing implementations. I wonder …

java inheritance interface java-8 default-method
Why is "final" not allowed in Java 8 interface methods?

One of the most useful features of Java 8 are the new default methods on interfaces. There are essentially two reasons (…

java language-design java-8 default-method jsr335
Java 8 add extension/default method to class

I am looking for a java equivalent to the C# extension methods feature. Now I have been reading about Java 8…

java default-method
What is the reason why “synchronized” is not allowed in Java 8 interface methods?

In Java 8, I can easily write: interface Interface1 { default void method1() { synchronized (this) { // Something } } static void method2() { synchronized (Interface1.class) { // …

java java-8 synchronized default-method jsr335
Java8: Why is it forbidden to define a default method for a method from java.lang.Object

Default methods are a nice new tool in our Java toolbox. However, I tried to write an interface that defines …

java interface java-8 default-method
is there a way to add a default constructor to an interface

With default methods now added to Java 8, is there any way to create a default constructor? I've tried: public interface …

java generics java-8 default-method
Can you make mockito (1.10.17) work with default methods in interfaces?

I am a big fan of mockito, unfortunately for one of my projects which uses Java 8, it fails on me... …

java mockito java-8 default-method
Can you call the parent interface's default method from an interface that subclasses that interface?

In java 8 I have something like this: package test; public class SimpleFuncInterfaceTest { public static void carryOutWork(AFunctionalInterface sfi){ sfi.doWork(); } …

java java-8 default-method functional-interface
maven-plugin-plugin:descriptor goal fails at the and of file

While developing a maven plugin the build prints error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugin-plugin:3.3:descriptor (…

maven java-8 maven-plugin default-method