Top "Functional-interface" questions

A functional interface in the Java language refers to an interface with a single abstract method.

Java 8 Supplier with arguments in the constructor

Why do suppliers only support no-arg constructors? If the default constructor is present, I can do this: create(Foo::new) …

java lambda functional-programming java-8 functional-interface
Lambda can only be used with functional interface?

I did this: public class LambdaConflict { public static void main(String args[]){ //* System.out.println(LambdaConflict.get( (str) -> "…

java lambda java-8 functional-interface
Use method reference with parameter

I just started learning Java streams and faced a problem. Please take a look at a the following example. This …

java lambda java-stream method-reference functional-interface
Is it possible to declare that a Supplier<T> needs to throw an Exception?

So I am trying to refactor the following code: /** * Returns the duration from the config file. * * @return The duration. */ private …

java java-8 functional-interface
Why do I need a functional Interface to work with lambdas?

I think this question is already somewhere out there, but I wasn't able to find it. I don't understand, why …

java lambda java-8 functional-interface
Why Functional Interfaces in Java 8 have one Abstract Method?

As we know in Java 8, the concept of functional interfaces are introduced. A Functional Interface has one abstract method and …

java java-8 functional-interface
When we should use Supplier in Java 8?

What difference between this code? Supplier<LocalDate> s1 = LocalDate::now; LocalDate s2 =; System.out.println(s1.…

java java-8 functional-interface
Java 8 - Functional Interface vs Abstract class

I was exploring features of Java 8 and came across "Functional Interface". As per my understanding, these interfaces can have some …

java functional-interface
Can you call the parent interface's default method from an interface that subclasses that interface?

In java 8 I have something like this: package test; public class SimpleFuncInterfaceTest { public static void carryOutWork(AFunctionalInterface sfi){ sfi.doWork(); } …

java java-8 default-method functional-interface
Implementing an interface with two abstract methods by a lambda expression

In Java 8 the lambda expression is introduced to help with the reduction of boilerplate code. If the interface has only …

java lambda java-8 functional-interface