Top "Functional-interface" questions

A functional interface in the Java language refers to an interface with a single abstract method.

Is there a way to use Java 8 functional interfaces on Android API below 24?

I can use retrolambda to enable lambdas with Android API level <24. So this works myButton.setOnClickListener(view -> …

java android lambda functional-interface retrolambda
Precise definition of "functional interface" in Java 8

Recently I started exploring Java 8 and I can't quite understand the concept of "functional interface" that is essential to Java's …

java lambda java-8 abstract functional-interface
Using Java Predicate and Lambda

Why does the below code return Predicate<String> and not boolean? My understanding is that the !s.isEmpty() …

java lambda java-8 predicate functional-interface
Callable vs Supplier interface in java

The Callable and Supplier functional interfaces in java.util.concurrent and java.util.function packages respectively have the following signature- …

java functional-interface