Is it possible to declare that a Supplier<T> needs to throw an Exception?

skiwi picture skiwi · Mar 27, 2014 · Viewed 30.9k times · Source

So I am trying to refactor the following code:

 * Returns the duration from the config file.
 * @return  The duration.
private Duration durationFromConfig() {
    try {
        return durationFromConfigInner();
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("The config file (\"" + configFile + "\") has not been found.");

 * Returns the duration from the config file.
 * Searches the log file for the first line indicating the config entry for this instance.
 * @return  The duration.
 * @throws FileNotFoundException If the config file has not been found.
private Duration durationFromConfigInner() throws IOException {
    String entryKey = subClass.getSimpleName();
    configLastModified = Files.getLastModifiedTime(configFile);
    String entryValue = ConfigFileUtils.readFileEntry(configFile, entryKey);
    return Duration.of(entryValue);

I came up with the following to start of with:

private <T> T getFromConfig(final Supplier<T> supplier) {
    try {
        return supplier.get();
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("The config file (\"" + configFile + "\") has not been found.");

However, it does not compile (obviously), as Supplier cannot throw an IOException. Is there any way I can add that to the method declaration of getFromConfig?

Or is the only way to do it like the following?

public interface SupplierWithIO<T> extends Supplier<T> {
    default public T get() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public T getWithIO() throws IOException;

Update, I just realised that the Supplier interface is a really simple one, as in it has only the get() method. The original reason why I extended Supplier is to preverse the basic functionality, like the default methods for example.


Edwin Dalorzo picture Edwin Dalorzo · Mar 27, 2014

In the lambda mailing list this was throughly discussed. As you can see Brian Goetz suggested there that the alternative is to write your own combinator:

Or you could write your own trivial combinator:

static<T> Block<T> exceptionWrappingBlock(Block<T> b) {
     return e -> {
         try { b.accept(e); }
         catch (Exception e) { throw new RTE(e); }

You can write it once, in less that the time it took to write your original e-mail. And similarly once for each kind of SAM you use.

I'd rather we look at this as "glass 99% full" rather than the alternative. Not all problems require new language features as solutions. (Not to mention that new language features always causes new problems.)

In those days the Consumer interface was called Block.

I think this corresponds with JB Nizet's answer suggested by Marko above.

Later Brian explains why this was designed this way (the reason of problem)

Yes, you'd have to provide your own exceptional SAMs. But then lambda conversion would work fine with them.

The EG discussed additional language and library support for this problem, and in the end felt that this was a bad cost/benefit tradeoff.

Library-based solutions cause a 2x explosion in SAM types (exceptional vs not), which interact badly with existing combinatorial explosions for primitive specialization.

The available language-based solutions were losers from a complexity/value tradeoff. Though there are some alternative solutions we are going to continue to explore -- though clearly not for 8 and probably not for 9 either.

In the meantime, you have the tools to do what you want. I get that you prefer we provide that last mile for you (and, secondarily, your request is really a thinly-veiled request for "why don't you just give up on checked exceptions already"), but I think the current state lets you get your job done.