Top "Instrumentation" questions

The process of inserting extra diagnostic code during compilation of a given source code.

How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command

I am developing in Android, I am using instrumentation to test Phone application. Instrumentation is Android env to test applications. …

android instrumentation
Trace vs Debug in .NET BCL

It seems that the System.Diagnostics.Debug, and System.Diagnostics.Trace are largely the same, with the notable exception that …

c# .net debugging instrumentation
PL/SQL Logging - How to control?

I am looking to introduce a logging framework into our existing Oracle application to replace the use of DBMS_OUTPUT. …

oracle plsql oracle10g instrumentation
"Failed to load Premain-Class manifest attribute" while trying to get the size of an object using java agent

When i try to run a java program (java -javaagent:size.jar ObjectSizeTest) i get the following error: Failed to …

java instrumentation agent
What is meant by the term "Instrumentation"?

As the title suggests. Many explanations are really vague, can anyone provide a more solid definition? The term is used …

How to discover table properties from SQLAlchemy mapped object

I have a class mapped with a table, in my case in a declarative way, and I want to "discover" …

python sqlite sqlalchemy instrumentation
Jacoco maven plugin clogs up console with Exceptions-java.lang.IllegalStateException: class is already instrumented

I am working on sonar code coverage using Jacoco plugin and using power mock mockito combination to write JUnit test …

java powermock instrumentation jacoco-maven-plugin
How do you force an orientation change in an Android Instrumentation test?

I'm writing some acceptance tests for an application using the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class. I want to cause an orientation change from …

android testing instrumentation screen-orientation uiinterfaceorientation
android.util.AndroidException: INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED:

I have a simple android app and I am testing it using my phone. So, there are two ways to …

android instrumentation
Tools to analyze core dump from Node.js

If I use gcore to make a code dump of a Node.js process, what are the best tools to …

node.js heap instrumentation coredump