Top "Entity" questions

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.

wpf datagrid databind with nested objects (like master detail)

I have a simple problem binding an entity to datagrid in wpf. I have an entity Called "User".... and each "…

wpf data-binding datagrid entity master-detail
Alternative to "master" and "slave" in entity relationship?

Example: I have two tables in my database called classA and classB, and one table called classA_classB. The last …

database architecture entity
Doctrine 2.1 - Map entity to multiple tables

I have the following database situation: wp_users (user table generated by wordpress) ID | user_login | ... wp_sp_user (extension …

wordpress doctrine-orm doctrine entity class-table-inheritance
Entities across bounded contexts in Domain-Driven Design

I am trying to understand how entities operate in multiple bounded contexts. Given an Employee of a Company. In (for …

domain-driven-design entity value-type bounded-contexts
JPA best practices?

I’m working on a little multi-tier application utilizing JPA/EclipseLink as a persistence layer. In my current design I …

java jpa entity pojo
Code-First Reference one-to-many

I have the following two tables: LOCALIZATION Id int Text string DINER Id int Name string Description string Name_LocalizationID …

entity-framework entity code-first fluent-interface
How to Get Current User inside Repository Symfony 2.7

All of my query in Entity Repository needs to be filtered by user. Now I want to know how can …

symfony repository entity symfony-2.7
Symfony 2: [PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused entity generator

Recently I started working with Symfony. I created a project with the terminal/composer under the name "symfony" and also …

symfony doctrine entity mamp connection-refused
DDD: What kinds of behavior should I put on a domain entity?

My team tries very hard to stick to Domain Driven Design as an architectural strategy. But, most of the time, …

domain-driven-design entity solid-principles
JPA MappedSuperclass with ManyToOne

I'm facing kind of typical issue. Imagine typical 1-N relationship between objects. To be precise User(U) and Room(R): […

jpa entity mappedsuperclass