Top "Mappedsuperclass" questions

Annotation for a class that entity classes inherit from

Hibernate : How override an attribute from mapped super class

The generic entity, super class: @MappedSuperclass public abstract class GenericEntity { private Integer id; public Integer getId() {return id;} public void …

java hibernate annotations overriding mappedsuperclass
MappedSuperclass - Change SequenceGenerator in Subclass

I'm using JPA2 with Hibernate and try to introduce a common base class for my entities. So far it looks …

java jakarta-ee jpa sequence mappedsuperclass
@MappedSuperclass and @OneToMany

I need association @OneToMany from Country to superclass Place (@MappedSuperclass). It could be bidirectional. I would need something like @OneToAny. @…

java hibernate annotations one-to-many mappedsuperclass
Doctrine2 / Symfony2 - Multiple entities on same table

In a Symfony2 application I have a MainBundle and distinct bundles which can be enabled or not. In the MainBundle …

symfony doctrine-orm multiple-inheritance mappedsuperclass
Symfony2 MappedSuperClass and doctrine:generate:entities

I have a "Offer" class (MapperSuperclass) and 2 more classes extending it, "PrivateOffer" and "PublicOffer". The problem I have is, when …

symfony doctrine mappedsuperclass
Overriding @Id defined in a @MappedSuperclass with JPA

I have a class AbstractEntity that is extended by all the entities in my application and basically acts as an …

java hibernate jpa hibernate-mapping mappedsuperclass
JPA MappedSuperclass with ManyToOne

I'm facing kind of typical issue. Imagine typical 1-N relationship between objects. To be precise User(U) and Room(R): […

jpa entity mappedsuperclass