In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.
I was considering adding a whole complex object into a table. Having come from good old fashioned SQL approach I'd …
c# azure entity azure-table-storageI have a Property that is an IEnumerable public IEnumerable<string> ChangesOthersResult { get; set; } I need to collect …
c# linq entity[newVehicle setValue: _txtFieldVehicleNumber.text forKey:@"number"]; [newVehicle setValue: lblFuelType.text forKey:@"fueltype"]; [newVehicle setValue: lblFuelUnit.text forKey:@"fuelunit"]; [newVehicle setValue: …
ios core-data attributes entity insert-updateEntity framework is cripplingly slow so I tried using a stored procedure but I ran into this problem. Entity Framework …
c# .net entity-framework entityI am using MVC.NET web api, EF with DB first, and I have lazy loading turned off on my …
c# entity-framework frameworks entityThe main question is how to convert DTOs to entities and entities to Dtos without breaking SOLID principles. For example …
java spring-boot design-patterns entity dtoIN EF can I add a check constraint so if my CustomerNotes entity has a boolean "FollowUpRequired" property I force …
entity-framework entityI've seen two different manners that programmers approach when creating an entity context in their code. The first is like …
linq entity-framework linq-to-entities entityWell, code describes it all. I've an Entity Service Provider, which pass an instance of Playlist Model, which supposed to …
laravel entity service-providerWhat is the best/fastest way to check if an Entity exists in a google-app-engine datastore? For now I'm trying …
java google-app-engine entity google-cloud-datastore