Top "Entity" questions

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.

Twig and Symfony2 - Entity was not found

I have an entity that is related to some other entities. On the end, I have an object like tat: …

php symfony doctrine-orm entity
.NET Entity Framework - IEnumerable VS. IQueryable

Please see this line of code. This is an invocation of a stored procedure, which returns an ObjectResult<long?&…

entity-framework frameworks entity ienumerable iqueryable
SPARQL: Get all the entities of subclasses of a certain class

I've to get all the instances of a class C and subclasses (direct or indirect) of C, in SPARQL. I …

entity instance subclass sparql
org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne on <entity> references an unknown entity

I am receiving the following Hibernate Exception: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne on cz.rohan.dusps.model.Switchport.konfiguracniTemplateAccess …

java hibernate annotations entity many-to-one
What is the different between @Immutable and @Entity(mutable=false) when using Hibernate

What is the difference between the two if any? Should one or both be used on an entity?

java hibernate jpa entity immutability
DDD and MVC: Difference between 'Model' and 'Entity'

I'm seriously confused about the concept of the 'Model' in MVC. Most frameworks that exist today put the Model between …

php model-view-controller model domain-driven-design entity
symfony2 form multiple select with arraycollection

I would like to create a form to edit my users. Users and roles connected with ManyToMany. In UserUsers entity …

forms symfony entity arraycollection multipleselection
what is a good pattern for converting between hibernate entities and data transfer objects?

I have had similar questions and concerns as to how to convert between Hibernate entities and data transfer objects to …

java hibernate design-patterns entity data-transfer-objects
Choosing between java.util.Date or java.sql.Date

Should I use java.util.Date or java.sql.Date? I have a VisualFox database and I have retrieved the …

java jpa entity
Symfony3 : choice type field filled with array of objects

I have an entity Product. My product can have multiple names in different languages. A name in french, a name …

symfony object entity choice choicefield