Top "Entity" questions

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.

What is the effect of AsEnumerable() on a LINQ Entity?

Reading the questions here and here has given me some insight into the situation, and it seems like using the …

c# linq entity enumerable
SAPUI5 - Batch Operations - how to do it right?

I got multiple EntititySets which I want to update in my SAP Backend, therefore I fetch my data (payload) as …

entity batch-processing crud sapui5
Odata - nested $select and $expand I'm trying to get all Customers, their Orders and corresponding Order_Details …

select entity odata expand
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method ElementAt(i);

I'm using the method elementat(Int32) to get a specific element of a query's result. var mds = db.TDP_MissioniDestinazioni.…

c# linq entity-framework entity
.NET Data Model is shown as XML and not as Diagram

That is. I format my computer and install the entire enviroment again, but I can't see the data model diagram. …

c# model entity diagram edmx
Empty constructors and setters on JPA Entites

I don't like the requirement on have at least one empty constructor and public setters on JPA entities. While I …

jpa entity invariants
Get annotated hibernate tablename from POJO

I have an entity which is declared roughly like: @Entity @Table(name = "myUserTable") public class User implements Serializable { ... } I'm making …

java hibernate entity dao
How to address entity that uses composite identity key in OData Url?

I have an entity OrderItem that has OrderId and ProductId integer fields and these two fields form the identity key/…

url entity odata composite-primary-key
How to export ERD diagram to image in oracle data modeler/sql developer

I'm on oracle sql developer I used data modeller to generate Entity Relationship Diagram, how to save it as image? …

entity oracle-sqldeveloper data-modeling entity-relationship-model
EF Code First 4.1 - How to configure one to many relationship with default

I have a Customer entity which references a collection of Addresses. The complication here is that I want to be …

entity-framework entity ef-code-first fluent-interface