Top "Expand" questions

Expand: as in collapsible views.

Apache POI Excel - how to configure columns to be expanded?

I am using Apache POI API to generate excel spreadsheet to output some data. The problem I am facing is …

java excel expand apache-poi
RecyclerView expand/collapse items

I want to expand/collapse the items of my recyclerView in order to show more info. I want to achieve …

android android-layout android-recyclerview expand
Expand and collapse with angular js

I am trying to figure out a way to do an expand and collapse using angular js. I haven't been …

javascript expand collapse angularjs
Show/Hide Table Rows using Javascript classes

I have a table that kind of expands and collapses, but it's getting too messy to use it and IE …

javascript html-table expand
jQuery Simple Collapsible Div?

I am looking for the proper, simple, small code to do the following things: Click on Element with Class Applied …

javascript jquery html expand collapse
Parent div not expanding to children's height

As you will see, I have a div (#innerPageWrapper) that wraps around the divs that contain the content. #innerPageWrapper also …

css html height expand
Expand container div with content width

I have the following structure in my application: <div id="container"> <div id="child_container"> <…

css containers expand
Expand and give focus to SearchView automatically

I'm developing an application where the user presses the "Search" icon in the ActionBar and a SearchView is made visible …

android search focus expand
How to expand an array dynamically in C++? {like in vector }

Lets say, i have int *p; p = new int[5]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) *(p+i)=i; Now I …

c++ arrays dynamic expand
OData $filter with items in a $expand

I have given some web services to access informations. The first thing that i have tries to expand a node . …

wcf filter filtering odata expand