In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.
I need to convert the data of a Typed DataTable to List of my entity. I've Mapped all the fields …
c# entity strongly-typed-datasetI'm trying to setup audit for our project. I started from the default configuration which works fine. The next step …
entity revision hibernate-enversI've been debugging this program without any result, and unfortunately I can't see the root of the problem. I get …
c# frameworks entity objectcontext objectdisposedexceptioni want to call function in form type class. function generate array and is written in entity repository class. using …
symfony entity symfony-2.2 formbuilderI am attempting to create an abstracted getId method on my base Entity class in Symfony2 using Doctrine2 for a …
entity doctrine-orm identifier symfonyI'm developing a simple "Book Store" project using Struts 1.3 + JPA (with Hibernate as persistence provider). I cannot switch to Spring …
hibernate thread-safety struts entity jpa-2.0Currently we are working on the EF 4.3 . We would like to upgrade it to EF5. I have google the upgrade …
entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity entity-framework-5I was wondering if there is a way to compare old and new values in a validator within an entity …
php symfony doctrine-orm entity validationWhat's the difference between MVC (Model View Controller) and BCE (Boundary Control Entity), I know that these two pattern are …
model-view-controller controller entity boundaryI have a base entity class MyCompany.Core.Model.User which is to be used for common properties of a …
entity-framework inheritance ef-code-first entity entity-framework-6