Top "Entity" questions

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.

How to retrieve mapping table name for an entity in JPA at runtime?

Is it possible to determine the native table name of an entity? If a Table annotation is present it's easy: …

java jpa entity
Code First entity framework connection string

I have 3 class projects in my solutions. 1. MVC4 project 2. Domain 3. Tests In the MVC4 project I have added a web.… frameworks entity code-first
Symfony2 - Set a selected value for the entity field

I'm trying to set a selected value inside an entity field. In accordance with many discussions I've seen about this …

forms symfony entity selected
symfony : can't we have a hidden entity field?

I am rendering a form with an entity field in symfony. It works well when i choose a regular entity …

php symfony entity formbuilder
How to get original values of an entity in Entity Framework?

In EF 4.0, if I understand it right, there are two type of values in Entity : current values and original values. …

entity-framework-4 entity
Entity Framework - Get Table name from the Entity

I'm using the Entity Framework 4.1 with Code First approach. I'm able to get the storage model types and column names …

c# entity-framework entity ef-code-first modelmetadata
Detached Entity and Managed Entity

What a "detached entity" means? How is it possible to convert a managed entity to a detached entity during a …

java database jpa ejb entity
Could not build ClassFile - ArchiveException

We develop an application with spring, jpa, tomcat, maven, etc. Locally on my developer machine everything works fine but when …

spring hibernate jpa orm entity
Extending hibernate entities with annotation

i need to extend an entity, with the same characteristics without using abstract classes. can i code something like below? @…

java hibernate entity extend
Best way to convert Doctrine 2 entity persistent collection to array with Zend Framework 2

What is best way (easy) to convert Doctrine 2 entity persistent collection to array with Zend Framework 2? I want convert to …

json doctrine-orm frameworks zend-framework2 entity