Top "Entity" questions

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.

obtaing the GUID for an EntityReference using Plugins in DynamicsCRM

This question is in relation to a Plugin which I am now creating for Dynamics CRM 2011. I have an entity …

plugins entity dynamics-crm entityreference
Difference between Entity and DTO

What is the difference between a DTO and an Entity? In details these are my questions: What fields should the …

java entity dto
nuget retrieving package metadata

An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'bootstrap.3.3.5' from source ''. ========== Finished ========== Where the defect wonder Is …

package entity nuget metadata
How to load just the last record from entity with LINQ?

I want to fetch value of field named "Gram" from the last record and put its value into a variable, …

c# linq entity datamodel
JPA Error : The entity has no primary key attribute defined

I am using JPA in my application. In one of the table, I have not used primary key (I know …

jpa entity
How to access repository methods for an entity in symfony2?

I am stuck with a problem please help me with it. Here is the scenarario: I have an entity "User" …

symfony repository entity
Efficient way of updating list of entities

I am working on a project which allows the user to edit a list of entities. I map these entities …

c# sql entity-framework entity
What is the exact meaning of the JPA @Entity annotation?

I am studying JPA in Spring application and I have some doubts related to the @Entity annotation. So I have …

jpa annotations entity
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove association with existing entities?

1. Quick overview 1.1 Goal What I'm trying to achieve is a create/edit user tool. Editable fields are: username (type: text) …

php forms collections symfony entity