Top "Extend" questions

Cause a unit of code (a class in POO, a style class in CSS ...) to cover a wider area.

What is the syntax to insert one list into another list in python?

Given two lists: x = [1,2,3] y = [4,5,6] What is the syntax to: Insert x into y such that y now looks like [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]? …

python list append extend
Javascript: Extend a Function

The main reason why I want it is that I want to extend my initialize function. Something like this: // main.…

javascript function extend
Appending a list to a list of lists in R

I'm having issues appending data to a list which is already in a list format. I have a program which …

r list matrix append extend
What is the difference between include and extend in Ruby?

Just getting my head around Ruby metaprogramming. The mixin/modules always manage to confuse me. include: mixes in specified module …

ruby module include extend
Can you extend ArrayList in Java?

Is it possible to make a child class that extends ArrayList? If so, how?

java arraylist extend
Rails extending ActiveRecord::Base

I've done some reading about how to extend ActiveRecord:Base class so my models would have some special methods. What …

ruby-on-rails extend rails-activerecord
When to implement and extend?

When should implement or extend be used? What are some real-world examples? Is this correct? Implementing appears to be a …

php oop extend
Does LESS have an "extend" feature?

SASS has a feature called @extend which allows a selector to inherit the properties of another selector, but without copying …

css sass less extend
Best Way to Extend a jQuery Plugin

I'm a fairly new jQuery user looking to extend an existing jQuery plugin that does about 75% of what I need. …

jquery plugins fullcalendar extend