In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed.
So, I'm getting a number of instances of a particular entity by id: for(Integer songId:songGroup.getSongIds()) { session = HibernateUtil.…
java hibernate entity query-performance identifierSay we have three entities in our environment, Teacher, Student and Course. Every teacher has (teaches) 1 or more Courses and …
database database-design entity erdI have been looking into Code First with Entity Framework CTP4 and you can use the ModelBuilder to build up …
c# entity-framework-4 entity ctp4This is a MODEL first approach. I have already researched this extensiely and have not come up with an answer. …
entity-framework entity-framework-4.1 entity ef-model-firstPossible Duplicate: Spring + Hibernate : a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session After changing …
hibernate spring annotations entity validates-uniqueness-ofI'm trying to design a pretty simple app and am getting myself a bit confused with Hibernate's definition of entity …
hibernate orm entity one-to-many value-objectsI have a question regarding YAML configuration of Doctrine in Symfony2. I have created an entity via "doctrine:generate:entity", …
symfony doctrine-orm entity yaml entitiesI'm using Telethon's send_message function to send messages to various chats. Sometimes, the destination is another user (just a …
python entity telegram python-telegram-bot telethonI am using the Entity Framework in a web application that utilizes SQL server 2000, 2005, and 2008. When I create a new …
sql-server-2005 entity-framework sql-server-2000 entity