Top "Openjpa" questions

OpenJPA is an open source implementation of the Java Persistence API specification.

What is referencedColumnName used for in JPA?

In JPA there is an attribute called referencedColumnName that can be set on @JoinColumn, @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn what is the idea behind …

hibernate jpa orm eclipselink openjpa
Can a JPA Query return results as a Java Map?

We are currently building a Map manually based on the two fields that are returned by a named JPA query …

dictionary jpa resultset openjpa
selecting all rows from a database using JPA in WebSphere

I am trying to implement a web service that uses open JPA to access the data layer. I am using …

websphere jpa-2.0 openjpa
JPA Criteria builder IN clause query

How to write criteria builder api query for below given JPQL query? I am using JPA 2.2. SELECT * FROM Employee e …

java jpa orm jpa-2.0 openjpa
How to do a timestamp comparison with JPA query?

We need to make sure only results within the last 30 days are returned for a JPQL query. An example follows: …

jpa jpql openjpa
JPA/Hibernate bulk(batch) insert

Here is simple example I've created after reading several topics about jpa bulk inserts, I have 2 persistent objects User, and …

java hibernate jpa persistence openjpa
JPA Implementations - Which one is the best to use?

I have made use of the following JPA implementations: Hibernate, Toplink, OpenJPA Each of them has their own strengths and …

java hibernate jpa toplink openjpa
java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to java.lang.String

I have written an entitity class with Field LoginId and Password. Iam encrypting the passwrd and stoiring it in the …

java jpa jpa-2.0 openjpa blueprint-osgi
why i get javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException? - setRollbackOnly

In my web applicaton I use OpenJPA on Apache Tomcat (TomEE)/7.0.37 server. my entity User.class: @Entity @Table(name = "USER") …

java jpa openjpa apache-tomee
why EntityManager is null?

In my web applicaton I use OpenJPA on Apache Tomcat (TomEE)/7.0.37 server. I use Netbeans to auto generate class ("Entity …

java entitymanager openjpa persistence.xml apache-tomee