Top "Openjpa" questions

OpenJPA is an open source implementation of the Java Persistence API specification.

JPA: default column name mapping for @ManyToOne relations

When we have a class: @Entity Order implements Serializable { @Id private Integer id; ... } and: @Entity OrderLine implements Serializable { @Id private …

java hibernate jpa openjpa
updating multiple rows using JPA

I want to update all fields of a table that has value of colum NAME as 'PCNAME'. The table name …

java jpa openjpa
select from two tables using JPQL

I'm using JPQL to retrieve data. I can get data using the statement List persons = null; persons = em.createQuery("select …

java orm jpa-2.0 jpql openjpa
openJPA's persistence.xml configuration

Earlier in my project I was using a combination of Hibernate 3.3.2, openJPA 2.1.1 to connect to the database and retrieve the …

Open JPA Saving OneToMany , foreign key not set

I've two tables: TaStock and TaStockPrice. Field tastockid in table TaStockPrice is the foreign key to table TaStock. @Entity public …

java openjpa
How can I use typcasting inside a JPQL statement?

I have two Integer columns in the database (derby and db2). I need to divide them with each other inside …

java jpa openjpa websphere-7
How do I configure OpenJPA SQL logging?

What is the OpenJPA configuration to view SQL query executed in a database? I would like to view the query …

IBM Websphere JPA configuration - how to update persistence.xml

I'm new to EJB 3 and the JPA. I've created a datasource in the appserver which is jdbc/AppDataSource. The default …

java orm jpa websphere openjpa
Am I supposed to call EntityManager.clear() often to avoid memory leaks?

I'm new to JPA/OpenJPA and I noticed that if I don't call EntityManager.clear() after i persist entities I …

java jpa memory-leaks openjpa entitymanager
openJPA on Java SE

I try to develop JPA project on ibm RAD. And i can run it on Webpshere successfully, but the problem …

orm jpa openjpa java