Top "Openjpa" questions

OpenJPA is an open source implementation of the Java Persistence API specification.

Can I retrieve column names in a JPA native sql query?

Possible Duplicate: How to get ResultSetMetaData from enity manager? Given a simple table (example_table) with the following columns: id, …

java jpa openjpa
Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/naming/NamingException error when I access the OSGI bundle with JPA support

I am using OpenJPA as JPA provider. I have created the small OSGI bundle project with the JPA2.0 support. This …

java osgi openjpa apache-felix osgi-bundle
Using enum as id

Using JPA, can we define an enum as id of an entity? I've tried the following: public enum AssetType { .... } @Entity @…

java jpa openjpa
JPA: which implementations support lazy loading outside transactions?

EclipseLink can load lazy relationships in entities even after the entity manager that has created them is no longer available. …

hibernate jpa eclipselink openjpa datanucleus