Top "Osgi-bundle" questions

OSGi - modularity layer for Java platform.

dependencies.dependency.version' is missing error

I am trying to create a bundle using apache maven. When I run mvn clean install command it is giving …

java maven-2 osgi-bundle
How to handle Import-Package entries which come from jars on the Bundle-Classpath?

I have put a few jars on my Bundle-Classpath. The line below shows the entry in my pom.xml, which …

osgi osgi-bundle maven-bundle-plugin
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module

I'm trying to setup my eclipse plugin development target and receive the following error multiple times: !ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.…

java eclipse-plugin osgi-bundle eclipse-jdt
The activator for bundle is invalid

I'm trying to create a simple plugin in eclipse. When I run the application, I see this error in log …

java eclipse eclipse-plugin osgi osgi-bundle
Unable to resolve 1.0: missing requirement [1.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=

I am trying to start one of my bundles, but as soon as I start it, I get the below …

java osgi apache-felix osgi-bundle
What is the intended use case for Bundle-Classpath in OSGI bundles

I am trying to understand the intended use case for Bundle-Classpath in OSGI bundles. Here is my understanding, please help …

osgi osgi-bundle
FrameworkEvent ERROR on running a Hello World OSGI Bundle

I am a beginner in OSGI. I followed the following tutorial to do a simple Hello World OSGI Bundle in …

eclipse-plugin osgi osgi-bundle
How to include a jar of dependency in an OSGi bundle using maven bundle plugin?

I have an OSGi compliant bundle(jar), in which I want to add a jar of a dependency. The dependecy …

java maven osgi-bundle maven-bundle-plugin
Cannot start bundle- missing requirement(osgi.wiring.package)

I am new to Apache karaf and OSGI. I am trying to write and run a very simple bundle. But …

maven osgi apache-karaf apache-felix osgi-bundle
Convert existing JAR to OSGi-bundle

I have a JAR file that I need to convert to an OSGi bundle. I do not have the original …

java intellij-idea osgi osgi-bundle