Top "Eclipse-jdt" questions

Use this tag for questions about the Eclipse JDT (Java Development Toolkit) project which provides the plug-ins that implement a Java IDE supporting the development of any Java application, including Eclipse plug-ins.

Break when exception is thrown

Visual Studio has an option to break automatically into the debugger when an unhandled exception is thrown, does Eclipse have …

java eclipse debugging eclipse-jdt
Install Eclipse JDT on top of CDT

I have the eclipse CDT installed, and I would like to install Java development functionality (JDT) on top of my …

eclipse eclipse-cdt eclipse-jdt
Eclipse + Java 8 support?

How can I get Java 8 to work with Eclipse? I have followed this guide but doesn't work. I've also seen …

java eclipse eclipse-jdt java-8
Programming Java 8 in Eclipse

The development of Eclipse support for Java 8 is ongoing in a branch ( To …

java eclipse eclipse-jdt
Quick fix many problems at once

Is it possible to quick fix all errors in a class opened in Eclipse? I have 71 errors that are pretty …

eclipse eclipse-jdt
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module

I'm trying to setup my eclipse plugin development target and receive the following error multiple times: !ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.…

java eclipse-plugin osgi-bundle eclipse-jdt
Is it possible to have CDT and Java IDE together in Eclipse?

I have an Eclipse CDT environment up and running and customised just the way I like it. I'm also going …

java eclipse eclipse-cdt eclipse-jdt
How do I set the Eclipse build path and class path from an Ant build file?

There's a lot of discussion about Ant and Eclipse, but no previously answered seems to help me. Here's the deal: …

java eclipse ant build eclipse-jdt
Eclipse find references for method

I wanted to find all the callers of the the method "get" for the following class: package com.zzz.zzz.…

java eclipse eclipse-jdt
How to skip loops while debugging Java code?

This is not a duplicate of How to come out of while loop during debugging. See the comment on this …

java eclipse debugging keyboard-shortcuts eclipse-jdt