Top "Keyboard-shortcuts" questions

Keyboard shortcuts provide quick access to application or system actions via combinatorial key presses.

Copy all the lines to clipboard

Is there any way to copy all lines from open file to clipboard in VI editor. I tried yG but …

vim editor keyboard-shortcuts vi
How do I move to end of line in Vim?

I know how to generally move around in command mode, specifically, jumping to lines, etc. But what is the command …

vim editor keyboard-shortcuts vi
How to duplicate a whole line in Vim?

How do I duplicate a whole line in Vim in a similar way to Ctrl+D in IntelliJ IDEA/ Resharper …

eclipse vim editor keyboard-shortcuts vi
Shortcut to exit scale mode in VirtualBox

What is the shortcut to exit scale mode in Oracle VirtualBox, Windows 7 host?

keyboard-shortcuts virtual-machine virtualbox mode
Eclipse comment/uncomment shortcut?

I thought this would be easy to achieve, but so far I haven't found solutions for comment/uncomment shortcut on …

java eclipse keyboard-shortcuts shortcut
How do I duplicate a line or selection within Visual Studio Code?

Using Microsoft's Visual Studio Code, how do I duplicate a line of code and then move it up and down? (…

editor visual-studio-code keyboard-shortcuts
What is the shortcut to Auto import all in Android Studio?

Is there any way of auto importing (like in Eclipse Shift+Ctrl+O) in Android Studio? I have found only …

android-studio ide keyboard-shortcuts auto-import
How to move the cursor word by word in the OS X Terminal

I know the combination Ctrl+A to jump to the beginning of the current command, and Ctrl+E to jump …

macos terminal keyboard-shortcuts
Keyboard shortcut to paste clipboard content into command prompt window (Win XP)

Is there a keyboard shortcut for pasting the content of the clipboard into a command prompt window on Windows XP (…

windows keyboard-shortcuts
How do I search for files in Visual Studio Code?

I am used to Resharper where I can search for files, not the content, but the filename, which makes it …

visual-studio-code keyboard-shortcuts