Top "Apache-karaf" questions

Karaf is an enterprise grade OSGi runtime/container, with configurable framework implementation (Equinox, Felix).

Karaf / Maven - Unable to resolve: missing requirement osgi.wiring.package

I am unable to start a bundle in Karaf (version 3.0.1). The bundle is built using maven and it imports gson. …

java maven gson apache-karaf
What exactly is Apache Karaf?

I am a little bit confused about what Apache Karaf exactly is. Can you say that Apache Karaf includes, amongst …

osgi apache-felix apache-karaf aries
OSGi: What are the differences between Apache Felix and Apache Karaf?

Apache Karaf is a sub project of Apache Felix. It is defined as "a lightweight OSGi container". I don't understand …

osgi apache-felix apache-karaf
Apache Camel conditional routing

I have a service which has two operations. RegisterUser UpdateUser I have a camel rout: <camel:route id="myRoute"&…

java routing cxf apache-camel apache-karaf
Kafka Producer - org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer could not be found

I have creating a simple Kafka Producer & Consumer.I am using kafka_2.11- Here is my Producer code. public …

apache-spark apache-kafka apache-karaf spark-streaming-kafka
Setting Java Heap Size under Apache Karaf

I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I can't seem to find this answered anywhere. What is the best …

java heap apache-karaf
Apache Karaf vs. Servicemix

Is anyone using Karaf instead of Servicemix? If so, how did you come to this decision? I'm aware that Servicemix …

osgi apache-karaf apache-servicemix
Soap request Message part was not recognized

When I send a request to my webservice (build with apache camel and running on apache karaf) I always get &…

web-services soap wsdl apache-camel apache-karaf
ActiveMQ remote connections refused despite in broker URL

I have an ActiveMQ v5.7.0 broker, running in Karaf v2.3.3, that I want to enable for remote connections. I've set …

activemq apache-karaf blueprint-osgi
OSGi feature uninstall works, but bundles are still installed

EDIT: updated this question with latest information... I'm having issues running back-to-back "features:uninstall" commands for dependent features. OSGi responds …

osgi apache-karaf apache-felix apache-servicemix fuseesb