Top "Apache-camel" questions

Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that focuses on quick and easy integration of systems consuming or producing data.

What exactly is Apache Camel?

I don't understand what exactly Camel does. If you could give in 101 words an introduction to Camel: What exactly is …

java apache-camel soa enterprise-integration
how to convert JSONArray to List of Object using camel-jackson

Am having the String of json array as follow {"Compemployes":[ { "id":1001, "name":"jhon" }, { "id":1002, "name":"jhon" } ]} i want to convert …

java json jackson apache-camel
When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel?

As a seasoned Spring user I was assuming that Spring Integration would make the most sense in a recent project …

java jms messaging apache-camel spring-integration
Caused by: Unexpected end of file from server

I am getting the below error quite intermittently when i run the WS through SOAP UI. Sometimes it does not …

java web-services cxf apache-camel
How can I invoke a RESTful service through Apache Camel?

I am currently using a HTTP method for invoking some URL which will create a JIRA issue. Now I want …

java rest jira apache-camel
Apache Camel and other ESB products

Hey, If we have Apache Camel why to use other solutions like Apache ServiceMix and Mule? Is there something Apache …

apache-camel mule esb apache-servicemix
Apache Camel: how store variable for later use

while 'playing around' with Camel using Spring DSL, I came across the following problem. Suppose the expected message flow looks …

spring apache-camel
Apache Camel : "direct:start" endpoint - what does it mean ?

I'm new to Apache Camel. Can someone explain what "direct:start" means in Camel. Please see…

apache apache-camel endpoint
Camel - Passing specific parameters from routes to a generic bean method

Let's say I have a Camel route that looks like this : from("direct:myRoute") .setHeader("someHeader", simple("some header value")) .…

java spring parameters apache-camel spring-bean
Apache Camel Endpoint injection to direct route "No consumers available on endpoint"

I want to use Camel to take a message from ActiveMQ and then, based on the message contents (a protobuf), …

apache-camel endpoint blueprint