Top "Blueprint" questions

Blueprint is a CSS framework that comes with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, useful plugins, and a stylesheet for printing.

Apache Camel Endpoint injection to direct route "No consumers available on endpoint"

I want to use Camel to take a message from ActiveMQ and then, based on the message contents (a protobuf), …

apache-camel endpoint blueprint
OSGi: Blueprint vs. Spring DM

I am a little bit confused about Blueprint and Spring DM: From what I think is true: Spring DM is …

osgi blueprint spring-dm
flask - blueprint - sqlalchemy - cannot import name 'db' into moles file

I'm new in bluprint, and have problem with importing db into file which is models file. I've faced …

python flask import sqlalchemy blueprint
flask: error_handler for blueprints

Can error_handler be set for a blueprint? @blueprint.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return 'This page does not …

http-status-code-404 blueprint flask
Log camel exchange body as string using log4j

I'm trying to log exchange body as a string using log4j. <convertBodyTo id="_convertBodyTo1" type="java.lang.String"/&…

java logging log4j apache-camel blueprint
Service reference in OSGi/blueprint not working properly

I currently have two OSGi bundles (bundle1 and bundle2) both both exposing services through a blueprint in an EBA. In …

java osgi blueprint
Flask blueprint unit-testing

Is there a good practice to unit-test a flask blueprint? I didn't found something …

python unit-testing flask blueprint
How to pass arbitrary arguments to a flask blueprint?

I have a flask api which I have wrapped up in an object. Doing this has made unit testing a …

python oop flask arguments blueprint
python flask-restful blueprint and factory pattern work together?

I am working on a restful service using flask-restful, and i want to leverage both factory pattern and blueprint in …

python rest flask blueprint flask-restful