Top "Spring-dm" questions

The Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi(tm) Service Platforms project makes it easy to build Spring applications that run in an OSGi framework

Unresolved constraint in bundle, missing requirement osgi.wiring.package

I am having a project using OSGi-(felix), SpringDM, hibernate, maven. when I installed bundle, it is ok, the output …

java maven osgi apache-felix spring-dm
OSGi: Blueprint vs. Spring DM

I am a little bit confused about Blueprint and Spring DM: From what I think is true: Spring DM is …

osgi blueprint spring-dm
What is correct path for creation of micro services in Java? Spring Boot or OSGI

I found a book "Spring DM in action". When I started to check the latest release of Spring for OSGI, …

spring osgi spring-boot spring-dm