Top "Maven-bundle-plugin" questions

Maven Bundle Plugin provides a maven plugin that supports creating an OSGi bundle from the contents of the compilation classpath along with its resources and dependencies.

How to handle Import-Package entries which come from jars on the Bundle-Classpath?

I have put a few jars on my Bundle-Classpath. The line below shows the entry in my pom.xml, which …

osgi osgi-bundle maven-bundle-plugin
<Export-Package> for all resources using maven-bundle-plugin

As a temporary measure to be able to transition quickly to OSGi I need to create a single jar with …

maven osgi maven-bundle-plugin
How to include a jar of dependency in an OSGi bundle using maven bundle plugin?

I have an OSGi compliant bundle(jar), in which I want to add a jar of a dependency. The dependecy …

java maven osgi-bundle maven-bundle-plugin
How to include resource file into osgi bundle from jar dependency with bnd/maven-bundle-plugin?

I'm using maven-bundle-plugin (bnd effectively). It's straightforward to include a resource file from sources. For example, a resource file (src/…

osgi osgi-bundle bnd maven-bundle-plugin