Top "Openjpa" questions

OpenJPA is an open source implementation of the Java Persistence API specification.

OpenJPA criteriaBuilder nested object property fetch

Is there any way in OpenJPA to get hold of a nested object property via CriteriaBuilder? Here's a small case. @…

java criteria-api openjpa
How to get entitymanager programmatically in Spring?

I am trying to integrate our DAO maven module to spring, we don't want to change any code of the …

spring spring-data openjpa spring-data-jpa
JPA 1.0 error: The name is not a recognized entity or identifier. Known entity names: []

I am getting following exception while I try to execute simple JPA 1.0 code. What may be the cause? 5453 DevPQRWDPBSSPersist WARN […

java jpa entitymanager openjpa jpa-1.0
JPA ClassFormat Error "Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/persistence/Persistence"

I get error from eclipse when I try to invoke a 100% working code. It is for example working in my …

java jpa maven openjpa
websphere 7 and (application based) open-jpa 2

I want to not use the built in Websphere 7 jpa plugin, instead use an application WEB-INF/lib/open-jpa 2 and a …

persistence openjpa websphere-7
jpa lazy fetch entities over multiple levels with criteria api

I am using JPA2 with it's Criteria API to select my entities from the database. The implementation is OpenJPA on …

jpa jpa-2.0 fetch criteria-api openjpa
DDL generation and general persistence.xml settings (OpenJPA)

Summary I'm trying to run a Java web application JPA 2.0 example. The example application was written to run in Glassfish, …

java jpa openjpa openejb apache-tomee
Getting "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:"

I created the small JPA project to persist a Student record. I use Oracle database. I use the OpenJPA as …

java jakarta-ee jpa openjpa ibm-rad
No metadata found for type using OpenJPA with RuntimeUnenhancedClasses

I am using JPA (OpenJPA). I have following entries in my persistence.xml: <property name="openjpa.RuntimeUnenhancedClasses" value="supported"/&…

java jpa entity openjpa
Exception regarding runtime optimization using openJPA MySQL

There must be a bunch of questions regarding this, and I have read a few, but the answer still eludes …

java mysql jpa openjpa