Top "Openejb" questions

Apache OpenEJB is an embeddable and lightweight EJB 3.0 implementation that can be used as a standalone server or embedded into Tomcat, JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, Ant, and any IDE or application.

What to put into jta-data-source of persistence.xml?

What value should I place into <jta-data-source> of my persistence.xml? In glassfish admin panel I created a …

java jpa ejb jndi openejb
Unit testing an EJB with Mockito, TestNG and OpenEJB

I have the following EJB's: @Local public interface PersonService { long countPersons(); } @Stateless public class PersonServiceImpl implements …

java ejb testng mockito openejb
How to use TomEE with Hibernate

I have created very simple app with persistence context (hibernate as provider) to read some value from database. I use …

java hibernate jpa openejb apache-tomee
How can I integrate Jersey with TomEE / openEJB

I am upgrading a code that uses Jersey JAX-RS to run on an Apache TomEE server. Unfortunately it throws errors …

java jakarta-ee jersey openejb apache-tomee
openejb embedded container cannot find persistence.xml

I am using openEjb in embedded mode to test a stateless session bean, which has an injected EntityManager. However, when …

java unit-testing jakarta-ee ejb openejb
Unit Testing EJB 3.1

I am doing a small research on Unit Testing of EJB 3.1. At the end my goal is to produce a …

unit-testing ejb-3.0 mockito ejb-3.1 openejb
How to instruct Maven to ignore my main/resources/persistence.xml in favor of test/...?

I have two persistence.xml files, for the sake of testing: src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml src/test/resources/…

java maven-2 openejb
DDL generation and general persistence.xml settings (OpenJPA)

Summary I'm trying to run a Java web application JPA 2.0 example. The example application was written to run in Glassfish, …

java jpa openjpa openejb apache-tomee
Jetty 8 + EJB 3.1 + JTA + CDI + JPA 2 stack?

Can anyone tell me if it is currently possible to "glue together" a partial Java EE 6 Web Profile over Jetty? …

java jetty java-ee-6 ejb-3.1 openejb
How to resolve 'Api type [java.util.Set] is not found with the qualifiers' Error when starting TomEE 1.6.0 plus?

Following on from this question TomEE on eclipse, How to call a remote EJB from a JSF Managed bean? I …

ejb cdi openejb apache-tomee