Top "Entity-framework-5" questions

The ADO.

Entity Framework 5 Updating a Record

I have been exploring different methods of editing/updating a record within Entity Framework 5 in an ASP.NET MVC3 environment, …

c# entity-framework-5
Entity Framework Join 3 Tables

I'm trying to join three tables but I can't understand the method... I completed join 2 tables var entryPoint = dbContext.tbl_…

c# entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity-framework-5 entity-framework-4.1
Non-static method requires a target

I have a controller action that works fine on Firefox both locally and in production, and IE locally, but not …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-5
Could not load file or assembly version

I have installed MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and when I try to update model from database under EDMX file I …

.net visual-studio sql-server-2008-r2 entity-framework-5
EF LINQ include multiple and nested entities

Ok, I have tri-leveled entities with the following hierarchy: Course -> Module -> Chapter Here was the original …

.net linq entity-framework entity-framework-5
The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig' threw an exception

I'm working with EF5 in a MVC 4 aspnet website. Locally, everything works just fine, but when I publish it to … entity-framework entity-framework-5
How to include a child object's child object in Entity Framework 5

I am using Entity Framework 5 code first and ASP.NET MVC 3. I am struggling to get a child object's child …

entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity-framework-5 entity-framework-4.1
After updating Entity Framework model, Visual Studio does not see changes

If I do any changes to my EF 5.0 model, VS does not seem to see the changes. I have tried …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-5
Entity Framework (EF) Code First Cascade Delete for One-to-Zero-or-One relationship

Following the "Code First Modeling" section of the Pluralsight "Getting Started with Entity Framework 5" course by Julie Lerman, I created …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-5 cascading-deletes
Entity Framework Migrations renaming tables and columns

I renamed a a couple entities and their navigation properties and generated a new Migration in EF 5. As is usual …

c# sql-server entity-framework entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations