Top "Entity-framework-5" questions

The ADO.

How can I resolve this error: Loading the include file 'EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude' returned a null or empty string

How can I resolve these errors: Loading the include file 'EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude' returned a null or empty string. …

visual-studio entity-framework-5 t4 .net-framework-version
Debugging Package Manager Console Update-Database Seed Method

I wanted to debug the Seed() method in my Entity Framework database configuration class when I run Update-Database from the …

Entity Framework Code Migrations - Stuck on Initial Migration

I have added EF 5 to my project via Nuget and enabled migrations with the "Enable-Migrations" command. I have then called "…

entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-5 code-migration
How to execute raw sql query with in entity framework?

I'm using mvc 3 with entity framework 5. I have my .edmx file & able to interact with my database …

sql entity-framework-5 edmx
Lambda expression "IN" operator Exists?

I'm looking for to build the Lambda expression like the below IQueryable<Object> queryEntity = _db.Projects.Where(Project=&…

c# c#-4.0 lambda entity-framework-5
EF5 Starting a Project:Error Running transformation: Please overwrite the replacement token '$edmxInputFile$'

I'm creating a Console Project in VS2012 with .Net4.5. After it I "Add", "New Item" to the project, and choose "…

c# entity-framework-5 .net-4.5
Entity framework migration and seeding specific update

does anyone know how you can seed a specific update using EF 5 migrations? I have existing database, alredy has lookups …

entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations seeding
Most efficiently handling Create, Update, Delete with Entity Framework Code First

Note: I am using Entity Framework version 5 Inside my generic repository, I have Add, Edit and Delete methods as below: …

entity-framework ef-code-first dbcontext entity-framework-5
Unit Of Work & Generic Repository with Entity Framework 5

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 4 with Entity Framework 5. I have model classes and Entity Maps to map existing tables to … entity-framework-5 .net-4.5