Top "Entity-framework-5" questions

The ADO.

Entity data model designer won't open the edmx file

The strange thing is, it was working fine a few days ago. I added a new column to a table …

.net mapping entity-framework-5 edmx
Automatic Migrations for ASP.NET SimpleMembershipProvider

So I tried to use automatic migrations with my new MVC 4 Project but somehow it isn't working. I followed this … entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations
No context type was found in the assembly

I'm using .NET 4.0, MVC3, and EF5 with code first. My solution is split up into three projects, with the dependencies … entity-framework connection-string data-access-layer entity-framework-5
Non-static method requires a target. Entity Framework 5 Code First

I am getting the error "Non-static method requires a target." when I run the following query: var allPartners = DbContext.User .…

ef-code-first .net-4.5 entity-framework-5
How to rename a database column in Entity Framework 5 Code First migrations without losing data?

I got the default ASP.NET MVC 4 template successfully running with EF 5.0 Code First Migrations. However, when I update a …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-5
How do I specify the maximum column length of a field using entity framework code first

Is there an attribute I can use when creating a table ? I tried [StringLength] but it seems to be ignored. …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-5 system.componentmodel
Entity Framework 5 - How to generate POCO classes from existing database

I am using VS 2012 and EF 5. I have an existing database that I want to create POCO classes from the …

entity-framework poco entity-framework-5
Entity Framework - getting a table's column names as a string array

If I'm using EF 5 and Database first to generate a .edmx model of my database, how do I get a …

c# linq entity-framework entity-framework-5
how to create an audit trail with Entity framework 5 and MVC 4

I am building an MVC 4 application, using EF 5. I need to do an audit trail, ie log any changes that …

c# .net entity-framework-5
EF 5. "Automatic migration was not applied because it would result in data loss" - only changed the column name

I have: AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = True AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = False in my configuration file and the existing model is: Public Property ID() As Integer …

entity-framework entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations