Top "Seeding" questions

EntityType 'IdentityUserLogin' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType

I am working with Entity Framework Code First and MVC 5. When I created my application with Individual User Accounts Authentication …

ef-code-first seeding
Reset the database (purge all), then seed a database

Is there a rake command to wipe out the data in the database tables? How do I create a db:…

ruby-on-rails database seeding
Rails: Invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (Argument Error) when I run rake db:seed

When I run rake db:seed in my Rails app, I'm getting this error: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (Argument …

ruby-on-rails rake seeding argument-error
MVC 5 Seed Users and Roles

I have been playing about with the new MVC 5, I have a few models, controller and views setup using code … entity-framework-migrations seeding
How to Seed Users and Roles with Code First Migration using Identity ASP.NET Core

I have created a new clean 5 project (rc1-final). Using Identity Authentication I just have the ApplicationDbContext.cs …

ef-code-first seeding
What is a seed in terms of generating a random number?

What is a seed in terms of generating a random number? I need to generate hundreds to thousands of random …

c++ random seeding
Laravel 5.3 db:seed command simply doesn't work

I do everything by-the-book: Installed fresh Laravel 5.3.9 app (all my non-fresh apps produce the same error) run php artisan make:…

php laravel seeding laravel-5.3 laravel-seeding
Entity Framework - Migrations - Code First - Seeding per Migration

I am looking into Migrations in an effort to clean up our deployment processes. The less manual intervention required when …

c# entity-framework .net-4.5 entity-framework-migrations seeding
Entity framework migration and seeding specific update

does anyone know how you can seed a specific update using EF 5 migrations? I have existing database, alredy has lookups …

entity-framework-5 entity-framework-migrations seeding
Array to string conversion (SQL: insert into

I'm trying to insert data from a Seeder in Laravel 5.6 and I'm having a problem with the field that is …

php mysql laravel seeding