Top "Entity-relationship-model" questions

The entity-relationship model (or ER model) is a way of graphically representing the logical relationships of entities (or objects) in order to create a database

Generating ERD diagrams within Visual Studio

In order to create an ERD diagram for new projects I have been using Visual Studio's entity framework designer. Essentially …

visual-studio entity-relationship erd entity-relationship-model
Why should I avoid loops when designing relationships for a database?

Someone told me that it was bad design to have loops in the datamodel. I have heard this before a …

database database-design loops data-modeling entity-relationship-model
What is the difference between an entity relationship model and a relational model?

I was only able to find the following two differences: The relationships in an E-R model are explicitly defined, while …

database entity-relationship relational junction-table entity-relationship-model
How to export ERD diagram to image in oracle data modeler/sql developer

I'm on oracle sql developer I used data modeller to generate Entity Relationship Diagram, how to save it as image? …

entity oracle-sqldeveloper data-modeling entity-relationship-model
How to know relations between tables

I have a database in MySQL created by someone. I don't have any documentation of the database. How can I …

mysql database-design wamp entity-relationship entity-relationship-model
pgadmin 4 (or db visualiser) entity relation diagram

How do you make an entity relation diagram using pgAdmin v4 or DB Visualizer or any other open source tool? …

postgresql pgadmin dbvisualizer entity-relationship-model
Create Entity-Relationship Diagram from MySQL Database

I am trying to create an Entity-Relationship Diagram by reverse engineering a MySQL database using a .SQL file. The process …

mysql reverse-engineering entity-relationship adodb entity-relationship-model