SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle", a recursive acronym for SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) is a set of specifications by W3C that provide languages and protocols to query and manipulate RDF graph content on the Web or in an RDF store.
I have the following query: SELECT ?tag WHERE { ?r ns9:taggedWithTag ?tagresource. ?tagresource ns9:name ?tag } LIMIT 5000 and the results …
count sparqlI'd like to do something like { SELECT ?page, "A" AS ?type WHERE { ?s rdfs:label "Microsoft"@en; foaf:page ?page } } …
sparql dbpediaI want to extract a triple which contains word say "alice" in its subject. The query I used was: SELECT ?…
regex sparqlI don't quite understand why in SPARQL they haven't implemented the basic logic operators. However in most of the cases …
sparql linked-data stardogwhenever i start using sql i tend to throw a couple of exploratory statements at the database in order to …
rdf sparqlI was wondering what are the advantages of using Triple Stores over a relational database?
relational-database sparql semantic-web jenaI know that there are similar questions around on Stackoverflow but I don't feel they answer the following. Graph Databases …
neo4j sparql graph-databases orientdb triplestoreOk lets assume I have 5 datatype properties with integers as values. These properties are asserted to individuals belonging to class "…
rdf sparql semantic-web ontology protege