Top "Class-table-inheritance" questions

Class Table Inheritance is one of several techniques for designing SQL tables in situations where subclasses that extend classes would apply if SQL had a mechanism for inheritance, which it doesn't.

How can you represent inheritance in a database?

I'm thinking about how to represent a complex structure in a SQL Server database. Consider an application that needs to …

sql-server inheritance database-design class-table-inheritance
How do we implement an IS-A Relationship?

We implement an One-to-Many relationship by adding one Table's PK, as FK to the other Table. We implement a Many-to-Many …

sql database database-design class-table-inheritance
Cannot use identity column key generation with <union-subclass> ( TABLE_PER_CLASS )

com.something.SuperClass: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) public abstract class SuperClass implements Serializable { private static final long …

hibernate inheritance jpa class-table-inheritance
How to do Inheritance Modeling in Relational Databases?

My question is regarding Inheritance modeling in Relational Database Systems. I have canonical data model and in that I have …

mysql database inheritance data-modeling class-table-inheritance
Techniques for database inheritance?

What are the tips/techniques when you need to persist classes with inheritance to relational database that doesn't support inheritance? …

database database-design class-table-inheritance
How to implement a super class, sub class relationship in the database?

If I have a class called animal, dog and fish is the subclass. The animal have attribute called "color". Dog …

database database-design class-table-inheritance
Something like inheritance in database design

Suppose you were setting up a database to store crash test data of various vehicles. You want to store data …

database-design polymorphic-associations class-table-inheritance
Class Table Inheritance in Rails 3

I'm currently working on a Rails 3 application that looks like it might need to use Class Table Inheritance for a …

ruby-on-rails-3 class-table-inheritance
Doctrine 2.1 - Map entity to multiple tables

I have the following database situation: wp_users (user table generated by wordpress) ID | user_login | ... wp_sp_user (extension …

wordpress doctrine-orm doctrine entity class-table-inheritance
Error : Cannot use identity column key generation with <union-subclass> ( TABLE_PER_CLASS )

I am using Hibernate to save entities where all entities are inherited from a base abstract entity. For all concrete …

mysql spring hibernate hibernate-mapping class-table-inheritance