Top "Symfony-2.7" questions

This is the Symfony 2.7.x specific tag.

Compile Error: Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression

I'm getting this error in a app I am migrating from SF2.0.x to SF2.7: [1] Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: …

php symfony twig symfony-2.7
Disable deprecated warning in Symfony 2(.7)

Since my Symfony 2 update to 2.7. I get a lot of deprecated erors in PHPUnit and console (message is clear by …

php symfony symfony-2.7
Symfony2: No route found for "GET /lucky/number"

I start the tutorial (as newbie) and everythings works fine till:…

php symfony symfony-2.7 symfony-routing
How do I check if object was found in a Doctrine2 repository?

I am finding a entity by its PK as follow: $ent = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Representative')->find($id) …

php symfony doctrine-orm symfony-2.6 symfony-2.7
symfony2.7 pass translator in service container

In symfony 2.3 it was this line in service.yml to get to the translator In service.yml arguments: [@translator,.... in …

symfony symfony-2.7
Symfony 2.7 / 3 - Doctrine: You have requested a non-existent service "fos_user.doctrine_registry"

Doing a composer update today suddenly getting the following error: [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException] You have requested a non-existent …

doctrine fosuserbundle symfony symfony-2.7 symfony-2.8
Symfony2 LTS: how to upgrade from 2.3 to 2.7?

Symfony 2.7 was released on 30th April 2015 and is the current LTS (Long Term Support) version after the 2.3 version. Maintenance for …

symfony upgrade symfony-2.3 symfony-2.7
Different table name and entity name in Symfony2

I have an existing database. Lets say that I have a table named "transactions" and I want to create the …

symfony symfony-2.7
How specify parameter's format in Nelmio ApiDocBundle

I use input property of @ApiDoc annotation for specifieng of parameters of my api that are form's fields. * @ApiDoc( * section="…

symfony symfony-2.7 nelmioapidocbundle
Set up registration FOSUserBundle with FOSRestBundle REST API

Problem fixed, check my answer. I'm building a registration endpoint on my Symfony2.7 rest api. I am using FosRestBundle and …

php symfony fosuserbundle fosrestbundle symfony-2.7