The FOSUserBundle adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2.
I'm using FOSuserbundle to get started with User registration I've got it registering / logging in …
symfony twig fosuserbundleI'm using FOSUserBundle to authenticate my users. I'm trying to get the user object inside the Controller to register a …
symfony fosuserbundleI made a web-application with Symfony2, and I'm using PUGX User Bundle and FosUserBundle to manage 2 different users. This is …
php arrays symfony fosuserbundle pugxmultiuserbundleI am trying to inject the currently logged in user into a service. My goal is to extend some twig …
php dependency-injection symfony fosuserbundleI simply want that if admin user or front end user try to access login page even after logged in /…
symfony redirect login fosuserbundleI'm trying to pre-populate a database with some User objects, but when I call $user->setPassword('some-password'); and then …
php doctrine symfony fosuserbundleI am using FOSUserBundle for managing my users. In order to register user, I reused the form of the bundle …
symfony twig symfony-forms fosuserbundleVersion : Symfony 2.2 I'm trying to add a default role when a user register on my website. I use FOSUserBundle and …
symfony fosuserbundleI'm making a form for user creation, and I want to give one or several roles to a user when …
php symfony fosuserbundleI have been googling for a couple hours now and cannot find any information on how to implement the "Forgot …
fosuserbundle symfony-2.3