Top "Fosuserbundle" questions

The FOSUserBundle adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2.

Creating an admin user using datafixtures and fosuserbundle

I'm trying to create a new User Admin from a fixture. I'm using FOSUserBundle and Symfony2. $userManager = $this->container-&…

symfony fosuserbundle
How to overwrite FOS user bundle form labels

I have a hard time overwriting labels that the FOS user bundle for Symfony2 uses. I'm already overwriting the Form …

symfony symfony-forms fosuserbundle
Symfony: How do I refresh the authenticated user from the database?

Say for example I grant a new role to the currently authenticated user in a controller, like so: $em = $this-&…

php symfony fosuserbundle
FOSUserBundle login with email (Symfony2)

I have a question about the FOSUserBundle for Symfony 2.0.x. In there documentation you can find a way to change …

php symfony fosuserbundle
FOSUserBundle and Symfony 3.0?

Does FOSUserBundle work with symfony 3? Can't see any info regarding that on their site. I have just installed a fresh …

php symfony composer-php fosuserbundle
Symfony2: SonataAdminBundle - How can i get the object representing the current user inside an admin class?

I use the sonata-admin bundle. I have the relationship with the user (FOSUserBundle) in the PageEntity. I want to save …

symfony fosuserbundle sonata-admin
FOS UserBundle Unable to login

I'm back with another issue regarding my UserBundle : Everything went perfect while installing and configuring FOS bundle through Symfony2, it …

symfony doctrine-orm fosuserbundle
Email confirmation on FOSUserBundle Profile Edit

I would like to activate the email confirmation on FOSUserBundle /profile/edit In /profile/edit you are already logged in …

php symfony fosuserbundle
What is the difference between Entity and Model in Symfony2 / Doctrine

I am going through the FOSUserBundle. And I wanted to undertand what is the difference between Model/User.php and …

php symfony fosuserbundle
FOSUserBundle group role setup

I am using the FOSUserBundle and the Group option. Registration works. Creation of groups works too. If I create 2 groups, …

symfony fosuserbundle