Top "Fosuserbundle" questions

The FOSUserBundle adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2.

Simple API Key Authentication in Symfony2 using FOSUserBundle (and HWIOauthBundle), filling in the gaps

Edit: See below for my own solution, which is, at the time of writing, functioning but imperfect. Would love some …

symfony fosuserbundle fosrestbundle hwioauthbundle
how to overriding fosuserbundle registration form style

I want to use bootstrap style apply in fosuserbundle registration form.and the login cant overriding,but because of registration …

twitter-bootstrap fosuserbundle symfony-2.2
Symfony2.4 SonataAdminBundle Logout error: You must activate the logout in your security firewall configuration

Login works fine. Getting error at /admin/logout You must activate the logout in your security firewall configuration. at in *\…

php symfony fosuserbundle sonata-admin symfony-2.4
Set up registration FOSUserBundle with FOSRestBundle REST API

Problem fixed, check my answer. I'm building a registration endpoint on my Symfony2.7 rest api. I am using FosRestBundle and …

php symfony fosuserbundle fosrestbundle symfony-2.7
Unrecognized option "csrf_provider" under "security.firewalls.main.form_login" despite csrf enabled

After setting up the FOSUser Bundle I have experienced this error Unrecognized option "csrf_provider" under "security.firewalls.main.form_…

symfony fosuserbundle symfony-3.1
Symfony2 + FOSRestBundle: Enable/disable REST functionality per controller/action?

A part of my application will be available as an API, so some of my pages needs to be available …

rest symfony fosuserbundle fosrestbundle
Unable to work with FOSRestBundle

I am trying to use Symfony2 and FOSRestBundle to come up with a REST framework and I am failing miserably. …

php rest symfony fosuserbundle
Adding extended profile entity to FOS UserBundle

I am trying to extend the FOS UserBundle to allow for extended profile entities to hold additional information in addition …

php symfony fosuserbundle
How to set a login form for admins and another for other users using FOSUserBundle?

When having a backend for admin users, it is interesting to have a login form, and at the same time …

symfony fosuserbundle
How to definitely disable registration in FOSUserBundle

In my project, I allow only one user to manage the content of the website. This user will be added …

symfony fosuserbundle