Top "Fosuserbundle" questions

The FOSUserBundle adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2.

Getting the user id from logged in user in FOSUserBundle

I am trying to create a task manager and I need to be able to get the user id of …

php symfony fosuserbundle
FOSUserBundle : Redirect the user after register with EventListener

I want to redirect the user to another form just after registration, before he could access to anything on my …

redirect symfony fosuserbundle event-listener
Disable CSRF token on login form

I am using Symfony2.0 and FOSUserBundle, and would like to disable the csrf token on my login form. I have …

symfony login csrf fosuserbundle symfony-2.0
How to customize FOS UserBundle URLs

I've installed FOSUserBundle and I'd like to customize the urls to be /account/login, /account/register, /account/logout instead of /…

php symfony fosuserbundle
FOSUserBundle: How to best integrate login and register form in one template?

I am using the FOSUserBundle in my Symfony application which is really great. They have the login and register forms …

templates symfony login twig fosuserbundle
Symfony2 - How to translate "Bad credentials" login error message from FOSUserBundle ?

I'd like to customize the error message ('Bad credentials')if a there is a login error. I do it but …

symfony fosuserbundle
Select count() in Doctrine DQL with left join manyToMany unidirectional relation where user does NOT have relation specific group

Situaction: I am trying to select count() in DQL for users NOT in specific group. Standard ManyToMany unidirectional relation between …

sql symfony doctrine-orm fosuserbundle dql
How to restfully login, Symfony2 Security, FOSUserBundle, FOSRestBundle?

I'd like to be able to login via a ws. I've tried to simulate this with curl pointing to /login …

security symfony login fosuserbundle
Invalid CSRF token on my own login form

I'm working on a symfony application using FOSUserBundle. I want to have a dropdown login form in the menubar if …

symfony fosuserbundle
Check password and create user manually with FOSUserBundle

I'm using FOSUserBundle in my application. I would like to do two things via HTTP services: Check password. The service …

symfony passwords fosuserbundle