How to restfully login, Symfony2 Security, FOSUserBundle, FOSRestBundle?

Trent picture Trent · Oct 1, 2012 · Viewed 21.1k times · Source

I'd like to be able to login via a ws.

I've tried to simulate this with curl pointing to /login but it only handles HTML, etc. By the way, it requires a CSRF which I don't want.

So I'd like to either disable the CRSF (from the login_check) or find a way to do it myself.

Can I override the LoginListener (where is it?) which is used when the route login_check is catched.

ANy clues?


adosaiguas picture adosaiguas · Oct 9, 2012

There are many ways to provide authentication and authorization to a REST Web Service but the most accepted one seems to be OAuth. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Github and the like use it.

The people at Friends Of Symfony has a bundle to implement OAuth authentication and authorization on Symfony2: and I think this is what you are looking for.

EDIT: For more information on Oauth, the people at Cloudfoundry posted an interesting article a couple of days ago.

About other options you can use, a simple one is basic authentication:

        pattern: ^/rest
        anonymous: ~
        form_login: false            
        provider: fos_user_bundle
            realm: "REST Service Realm"

EDIT2: As I see that there is still people voting this answer I think that it is needed to note that at the time of writing this answer JWT was not an option yet, but that maybe it is a better option than OAuth on some use cases (e.g. When the API is going to be consumed by your own apps). So here is a link to a good JWT implementation for Symfony2/3: