Top "Fosuserbundle" questions

The FOSUserBundle adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2.

Symfony2: How do i generate sha512 hash of a password?

I need to compare the password entered by the user if it is valid or not. How do i get …

php hash symfony fosuserbundle sha512
Symfony2 FOSUserBundle User entity field override

I have a problem with overriding an entity. I need the field emailCanonical to be not be unique. Here is …

symfony doctrine-orm fosuserbundle
Avoiding recursion with Doctrine entities and JMSserializer

I am building a REST API using Symfony2, Doctrine, FOSRestBundle and JMSSerializer. The issue I am having is when serializing …

php symfony doctrine-orm fosuserbundle
Deploying Symfony2 app getting fosuserbundle errors

I have installed my Symfony project on another computer with the same specifications, and I receive the following error when …

php symfony fosuserbundle
Creating a new user with FOSUserBundle fails

I am trying to create a new user from the command line and get this error: Warning: array_search() expects …

symfony fosuserbundle
Symfony2 access user and doctrine in a service

I'm running the equivalent of this code in lots and lots of controller actions, basically it grabs the user's username, …

symfony service controller fosuserbundle
Assign a Role with FosUserBundle

I'm really new to Symfony, I'm trying to register a ROLE to a User with FosUserBundle but I can't manage …

symfony fosuserbundle pugxmultiuserbundle
Symfony2 App with RESTful authentication, using FOSRestBundle and FOSUserBundle

I'm making REST API for my JS driven app. During login, the login form is submitted via AJAX to url /…

php symfony fosuserbundle restful-authentication fosrestbundle
Symfony2 - Doctrine and FOSUserBundle - wrong annotations

I am new to Symfony2 in general. This issue relates to Doctrine and FOSUserBundle though. I have the following User.…

php symfony orm doctrine fosuserbundle
How to get userid from eventlistener which are called from AJAX

I am using symfony2 and FOSUserBundle. Normally,I can get user data from Controller $user = $this->get('security.context')…

symfony fosuserbundle