The FOSUserBundle adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2.
I'm trying to get locale switching to work in the login screen of my application. In order to do that …
symfony fosuserbundleI am trying to set up FOSUserBundle to be the authentication provider for my FOSOAuthServerBundle enabled server. The FOSOAuthServerBundle has …
php symfony oauth-2.0 fosuserbundleI need to redirect everyone to route /login if: Access to / route (app.php or app_dev.php) Try to …
php symfony fosuserbundle symfony-2.4Doing a composer update today suddenly getting the following error: [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException] You have requested a non-existent …
doctrine fosuserbundle symfony symfony-2.7 symfony-2.8I'm using a FOSUserBundle for authentication in Symfony2. Everything works fine except "remember me". My security.yml looks like this: …
symfony remember-me fosuserbundleI just upgrade my Symfony 2.0.12 project to 2.1. I also installed FosUserBundle, but when I run command php composer.phar update …
forms symfony symfony-2.1 fosuserbundleI'm attempting to override the current validation for passwords in FOSUserBundle. I've tried a few options, but I still can't …
symfony fosuserbundleI am new to Symfony2 but read about it very much. First of all, I am using symfony 2.1.7. And FOSUserBundle …
symfony login captcha fosuserbundleIs there any chance to make Controllers dependent on their services not via using of service container inside them but …
model-view-controller symfony dependency-injection fosuserbundleCould somebody explain how you can manually create a remember me cookie in a controller? I want the users to …
symfony remember-me fosuserbundle