Top "Symfony-3.1" questions

This is the Symfony 3.1.x specific tag.

ICU version compatibility Symfony 3.1

I have a problem installing symfony 3.1 in php7, nginx and ubuntu 16.04, i have this error: intl ICU version installed on …

nginx symfony ubuntu-16.04 symfony-3.1
Could not open input file: app/console (Symfony 2)

Recently I started working with Symfony2. Unfortunately the php app/console commands doesn't work at both my MAMP server as …

php symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-3.1
Symfony 3 - Not allowed to access app_dev.php

I just bought some shared hosting ( - PHP 5.6.21) to host a Symfony 3 project (version 3.1.3). When uploading the config.…

php symfony shared-hosting symfony-3.1
Check if an array contains any element of another array in doctrine query builder

I would like to know if it's possible to check if an array contains any element of another array in …

php arrays doctrine-orm doctrine symfony-3.1
Unrecognized option "csrf_provider" under "security.firewalls.main.form_login" despite csrf enabled

After setting up the FOSUser Bundle I have experienced this error Unrecognized option "csrf_provider" under "security.firewalls.main.form_…

symfony fosuserbundle symfony-3.1