I'm making a form for user creation, and I want to give one or several roles to a user when I create him.
How do I get the list of roles defined in security.yml
Here's my form builder at the moment:
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
parent::buildForm($builder, $options);
// add your custom fields
$user = new User();
$builder->add('roles' ,'choice' ,array('choices' => $user->getRolesNames(),
'required' => true,
and in User.php
public function getRolesNames(){
return array(
"ADMIN" => "Administrateur",
"ANIMATOR" => "Animateur",
"USER" => "Utilisateur",
Of course, this solution doesn't work, because roles
is defined as a bitmap in the database, therefore the choices
list cannot be created.
Thanks in advance.
container parameter holds the role hierarchy as an array. You can generalize it to get list of roles defined.