Top "Symfony-2.6" questions

This is the Symfony 2.6.x specific tag.

How do I check if object was found in a Doctrine2 repository?

I am finding a entity by its PK as follow: $ent = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Representative')->find($id) …

php symfony doctrine-orm symfony-2.6 symfony-2.7
Logs an entire array using Monolog

Is there any way to log an entire array using Monolog? I have been reading several docs but didn't find …

php symfony monolog symfony-2.6
FOSRestBundle setup for return JSON but still asking for Twig template

I have configured FOSRestBundle as following: #FOSRestBundle fos_rest: param_fetcher_listener: true body_listener: true format_listener: rules: - { …

php json symfony fosrestbundle symfony-2.6
How to right insert or update on same Doctrine2 object

I have this piece of code: $entity = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Representative')->find($soqlObj1['records'][0]['Id']); if ($entity === …

php symfony doctrine-orm symfony-2.6
SF2.6 OptionsResolverInterface deprecated and AbstractType:setDefaultOptions

since "Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface" is deprecated in SF2.6 I tried to update my FormTypes: <?php namespace Xxx\XxxBundle\…

php symfony symfony-2.6
How to override others dependencies in composer.json

I'm using AliceFixturesBundles and this depends on NelmioAlice and Faker. Dependencies are handled internal as for example:…

php symfony composer-php symfony-2.6
Symfony using salt in encodePassword

I am using Symfony 2.6.6 and I am currently trying to use a salt on my database users. In the registration …

php symfony symfony-2.6